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Is it difficult to furnish a small apartment? That's not so crazy! It can be quite a task: you don't want to lose atmosphere or functionality when furnishing. If you are going to furnish a small apartment, here are 8 tips for you!

#1. Light colors create a spacious feeling

If you are going to furnish a small apartment, the most important thing to pay attention to is the use of color . Avoid dark colors! These make the space look even smaller. Opt for light colours: this quickly makes a room appear larger and reflects the light that enters. More light = optically more space! You can add accent colors to this, so you provide more contrast and the space becomes a bit more playful. Make sure that the accent colors do not dominate!
Furnish a small apartment

#2. Work in the height

When furnishing a small apartment , it's not such a bad idea to look beyond the floor space and also observe the height of the room. You will notice that you immediately have much more space to work with! For example, you can place a storage wall, where the different elements are stacked up and go up. Even the smallest corners can be used in this way.
Furnish a small apartment

#3. Furnish a small apartment with multifunctional pieces of furniture

If you are going to furnish a small apartment , you will probably notice that you do not have enough space for everything. This can easily be solved with furniture that has multiple functions! Think of a bed with storage space under the mattress or an ottoman where things can also be stored.

Don't have a spare room? Take a sofa and bed in one: these types of furniture are also much more stylish than they used to be! For example, there is a solution for everything: tiny living has recently become such a big trend that there are countless multifunctional furniture to be found.

You might also like: How to decorate a small living room !
Furnish a small apartment

#4. Separating spaces

In a larger room you often see that the different living areas are separated from each other by means of walls. In a small apartment this is a bit more difficult: on the one hand it is a lot of hassle to place walls, and on the other hand you probably don't want one room either, as it quickly looks messy. Fortunately, there are various solutions, without having to install walls!

Take for example a 'room divider', a small wall that you can place to separate a living room , bedroom or other space from the rest. You can also create this effect by making a partition with, for example, the sofa, a few large plants or with a cupboard.

#5. Furnish a small apartment with high furniture

When furnishing a small apartment , we recommend creating a spatial effect. You can easily do this by choosing 'floating furniture pieces'. This means that you can also see the floor underneath with this furniture. Preferably choose furniture with high, slender legs. Think of a high dining table with chairs that you can see underneath, a sofa on slightly higher legs and slim high cabinets. Furnish a small apartment

#6. A playful space? Go for round!

If you are going to furnish a small apartment, it seems very logical to mainly go for square furniture: because it is such a kind of tetris, it all seems much easier to fit into a small space . Try to dodge too much square, though! It can give the room a dull atmosphere. If you want to make the space a bit more playful, let round shapes come back in the interior . This can be done with a round mirror, a round side table, a round lamp or a sofa with round corners. They are very simple applications that can make a big difference to the final look of your small apartment !

#7. Keep things tidy!

Perhaps one of the most important tips we can give: tidy up, be tidy. It might be useful to start with this before you start furnishing a small apartment : make sure you are rid of all the stuff that you no longer need. Throw it away, or better yet, donate it to charity or the thrift store. You will notice that furnishing a small apartment will be much easier with a lot less stuff . And when everything is finished, it is important to keep it tidy. The space is already small, and clutter will only enhance this unfortunately.
Furnish a small apartment

#8. Add fun accessories in a small apartment

Just because it's a small space doesn't mean there isn't enough room for fun decoration! Make your apartment cozy with candles, a rug, lamps and wall decorations . Discover here , for example, how to create nice photo walls!
Furnish a small apartment

Furnishing a small apartment: are you ready?

With all the tips we hope to have helped you on your way, so that you can furnish a small apartment without any problems. If you are looking for nice wall decorations, you can discover our entire range here!

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