
Nowadays we are all busier and we have more and more obligations. We have to work harder and harder and we also do sports, we have many hobbies and we spend time with our family and friends. All nice things, but it also takes a lot of time and energy. That is precisely why it is important to schedule me-time, so that you have time to recharge. Treat yourself and completely relax with the tips below!

Tip 1: Home spa

Pamper yourself and create your own home spa! Light some delicious scented candles, make a cup of tea, take a nice mask and take an extended bath with a bath bomb. Turn on your favorite playlist and enjoy the me-time you've earned.
Me time

Tip 2: Turn off your phone during your me-time

Every day, the telephone remains a major distraction and a major stressor. We receive a lot of messages and news throughout the day. Turn your phone off for a few hours or an entire evening. It's okay if you don't respond to messages right away. This way you don't get distracted by everything that happens around you, but you live in the moment.

Tip 3: Relaxing

Now that your phone is completely off, you suddenly have time to do things that really relax you. You finally have time in your me-time to read the book you've always wanted to read, start a series you've been putting off for a long time, or try out a new recipe. Cleaning up can also have a calming effect. Put on some music, and give your bookshelf a metamorphosis, for example! You can read how you can do that in this blog: bookshelf ideas .
Me time

Tip 4: Me-time in the outdoors

Go outside! Whether the sun is shining or the wind is blowing, the fresh air has a calming effect. Go for a walk with yourself and try to consciously enjoy the weather, the trees and the environment you are in. You can also turn on your favorite podcast in the meantime. You will see that you will feel a lot more energetic after this walk!
Me time

Tip 5: Positive Affirmations

Sometimes when you're not feeling well, it's important to think about the things you're grateful for. Write down these gratitudes so that you can see on paper how beautiful your life really is. Positive affirmations can also help you feel more energetic and really come to yourself. If you have written them down, hang them up in the house, so you will be reminded of them every day and this positive affirmation will provide extra energy.
Me time

Tip 6: East West Home Best

Ultimately, home is the place where you should completely relax. This is of course a place where you spend a lot of time. Therefore, invest time in the furnishing of your house, so that you always come home to a warm house. To make it really cozy at home, you can create a photo wall on your wall. You can decide for yourself which posters appeal to you. For example, choose a number of quotes to stay inspired or find inspiration at our photo walls page .

Tip 7: Schedule me time

The biggest pitfall is not to schedule me time. Me time is essential to fully recharge. But where do you get the time? You can just schedule it in advance. For example, keep an evening or a few hours free in your agenda. These hours are sacred, dare to say no when someone wants to make plans at those moments. This way you will come back to yourself completely!
Me time

Your me-time starts now!

So what are you waiting for?! Plan your me-time and completely relax in your own house. Are you interested in the affirmations posters? Then view this collection.

Tips & tricks