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Setting up a home office is becoming increasingly important because we are increasingly working from home these days. It must therefore be a pleasant, inspiring and relaxing workplace where you can get to work productively. But how do you ensure that your home office actually becomes a nice workplace? With these tips you create your ideal workplace to increase your work performance!

A tidy office is a tidy mind!

Setting up your home office starts with tidying up! It may take up time that you'd rather spend doing other things, but schedule an afternoon to clean up your entire home office. Ultimately, this ensures that you can concentrate better and get less distracted by all the clutter that is there. Also immediately tidy up all desk drawers, so that you have an overview of where everything is. A tidy home office is a tidy mind!
Set up a home office

Good office chair

When you sit at your desk all day, it is very important that you have a good sitting position. So the next step in furnishing your home office is having a good desk chair! If you don't have this, you will sit incorrectly, this can cause shoulder, back and neck pain that can keep you from suffering in the long term. This is of course not the intention, so slide that dining table chair away and make room for a comfortable desk chair!
Set up a home office

Decorating a home office with plants

Put some beautiful plants in your home office! Plants bring several benefits. It not only looks cozy and creates atmosphere, but it also ensures that you can concentrate better, think more creatively and become more productive and cheerful! If you don't have green fingers, choose plants that require little care or hang a plant poster , for example, so that you can still be inspired by plants!
Set up a home office

Fresh air for more energy

When the heating is too high, you become drowsy and you can concentrate less well. If you're too cold, you'll just shiver, making you less productive. So what is very important when setting up the home office : a pleasant temperature that is not too hot or too cold. Fresh air will give you energy to get back to work!

Correct lighting for more concentration

To be able to concentrate properly, it is important that you have the right lighting in your home office . Daylight allows you to concentrate best. If your home office is a dark room, make sure you have a desk lamp with natural light.

Motivate yourself with decoration

Sitting at home all day and having to work can require extra discipline. Therefore, make sure to hang motivated posters during your home office ! Walljar's motivational and inspiring posters can help with that! Hang them large in your home office so that, whenever you feel like working from home, you get motivated again. So you can get back to work right away!
Set up a home office

Personal touch

Make sure you have some personal attributes in your home office. Place figurines, photos or other decorations that you have a nice memory of in the room. This ensures that you start thinking about those memories again, which is a positive association. This makes you more productive!

Setting up a home office is done in no time!

Take a good look around: is your home office tidy, do you have a good desk chair, do you have plants (posters) and do you have enough fresh air? Do you have the right lighting, personal items and inspiring posters? If so, congratulations on your redesigned home office! If you are not satisfied yet, take a good look around you to see what you still want to adjust. The most important thing is that you have a good feeling about your redesigned home office so that you increase your own work performance!
