Moderne kunst schilderijen

Over the years, many different art styles have emerged and art has changed a lot. This is clearly visible when you look at the painting styles per art period: artists always try out something new after a certain period of time. In this blog we are going to talk about modern art . How exactly did it originate, when, how can you recognize it? We remove all ambiguities. And of course we have listed a number of modern art paintings for you that are nice to take home!

Origin of modern art paintings

Modern art paintings were only first created in the early 20th century. Before this period, artists had to strictly adhere to rules when they were commissioned, but this was met with increasing resistance towards the end of the 19th century. Artists wanted more freedom to make what they like. This gave rise to a tendency to experiment more, creating a distance between the observable reality and the artwork itself. Various movements have arisen from this, such as Cubism, Futurism, Dadaism and Surrealism.
Modern art paintings

No rules

Characteristic of modern art paintings is that works of art were no longer made on the basis of rules. One manifestation that emerged was abstract, non-figurative art . Objects from the natural world were deliberately not shown. Instead, different shapes and materials were used, while experimenting with how you can still convey a certain emotion.

There were several ways to express what the artists saw or felt. For example, you could greatly exaggerate with colors, or use shapes that did not correspond at all to what the artist saw.

Add modern art paintings to your interior

Modern art contains special shapes, is sometimes very colorful and can arouse different emotions in people. This is also the reason why hanging modern art paintings has become so popular and popular lately.

At Walljar you can shop various modern art paintings that will add a unique atmosphere to your living room, bedroom or other space at home. You can shop the modern art paintings here !
Modern art paintings

Looking for other art?

Are modern art paintings not quite your thing, or would you like to discover other art styles? We have many more paintings for you! You can discover our entire range here .
