Fotowand maken

Creating a gallery wall at home is the best way to make your interior a little more personal. Combine beautiful posters with meaningful photos of family, friends or moments you have fond memories of. You can make a gallery wall in many different ways: in this blog we give you 6 tips so that you can create the most beautiful gallery wall!

#1. Use different sizes for your gallery wall

If you are going to make a gallery wall , we recommend that you choose different sizes of frames. This way you can hang a few large posters that really attract attention, in combination with some smaller posters . This creates a playful effect and really brings your gallery wall to life!

#2. In which room do you want to make a gallery wall ?

First, think carefully about the space in which you want to create the gallery wall . In the living room, bedroom, the hall? Before you start making a gallery wall , it is wise to have a place in mind. It is important that you choose a place where there is enough space on the wall and where you think the photos and posters come into their own. Be creative with this! You will think that the living room is the best place, but you can also make a photo wall on the wall along the stairs !
Create a photo wall Once you have chosen a room, you can choose the perfect dimensions for the photos and posters based on the amount of space . For example , if you are going to make a photo wall in the toilet, you will of course need much smaller dimensions than for a large wall in the living room.

#3. What colors and style are you going for?

If you are going to make a gallery wall and want to create a beautiful whole, we advise you to make a clear choice in not only the style and colors of the photos and posters , but also of the frames. Keep in mind that the colors and style match the rest of the interior. For example, you can go for a colorful gallery wall , but make sure that it does not clash with the rest. The idea behind a gallery wall is that the different photos form one whole. Therefore, choose photos and posters with the same color palette or from the same category.
Create a photo wall In terms of frames, you can go for different colors and styles for a playful effect, but we recommend not to do this. If you want to create a beautiful and sleek whole, make a photo wall with our framed posters for a great result.

You might also like : design your own posters with your photos ! 

#4. Think of a composition

One of the most important steps involved in creating a gallery wall is thinking out a composition beforehand. You can do this by making a sketch. Draw it out, or experiment with paper or cardboard to find out how the composition will look on your wall. In addition, there are also a number of handy apps that can help you compose the gallery wall ! Looking for a dose of inspiration? Discover here examples of our photo walls !

You may also like : Discover different compositions of photo walls ! 

#5. Keep the distance between the lists the same

Important tip when making a photo wall : keep the distance between the frames the same. This will make your gallery wall look sleek and neat, so take this tip into account when coming up with the composition!

#6. Don't overfill it

Our last tip: don't overcrowd your walls. If you have really bare walls, a photo wall is a great solution, but sometimes there are enough photos and paintings at home. When it is too full, you will notice that the room feels very restless. Of course you just want to come home with a nice feeling and relax.

Are you going to make a gallery wall ?

We hope you have gained enough inspiration and can get started right away with these tips! Collect your best photos and discover all the posters you can use here : creating a gallery wall has never been so much fun!

Tips & tricks